血糖 miaomiao_血糖和COVID-19
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血糖 miaomiao

In the article below I summarise my knowledge on infection and immunity, back it up by links to COVID observations of doctors and scientific papers.


不明飞行物护理分钟 ( UFO care minute)

The world has officially declared COVID-19 pandemic — a potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV). You can find a lot of information on this topic on Habr. But always remember it can be both reliable/useful and vice versa.

世界已正式宣布COVID-19大流行-一种可能由冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2(2019-nCoV)引起的严重急性呼吸道感染。 您可以在Habr上找到有关此主题的很多信息。 但请始终记住,它既可靠又有用,反之亦然。

我们要求您批评您发布的任何信息 (We ask you to be critical of any information you publish)

官方资料 (Official sources)

  • Websites and official groups of operational headquarters in the regions


If you do not live in Russia, please check similar sources in your country.


Wash your hands, take care of your loved ones, stay home and work remotely if possible.


For now we heard a lot about people with chronic diseases having higher mortality rate after COVID-19 and especially people with Diabetes. It is well known that Diabetic patients have very high blood sugar, and over more proteins in the body are glycated — meaning “small bit of sugar attach on the surface of huge protein molecule”. One of the most abundant proteins in blood stream is Haemoglobin (Hb), and to confirm Diabetes often degree of Hb glycation (i.e. sugar coating) is measured, logically as people with Diabetes have higher blood sugar their Hb is more “coated in sugar” then Hb of Healthy people. Remember this for now.

到目前为止,我们听到了很多有关COVID-19之后死亡率较高的慢性病患者,尤其是糖尿病患者的信息。 众所周知,糖尿病患者的血糖很高,体内的蛋白质更多地被糖化,这意味着“少量糖附着在巨大蛋白质分子的表面”。 血液中最丰富的蛋白质之一是血红蛋白(Hb),为了确定糖尿病,经常测量Hb糖化程度(即糖衣),从逻辑上讲,随着糖尿病患者血糖的升高,他们的Hb更多地“被糖衣”然后是健康人血红蛋白。 现在记住这一点。

We should also know that Hb is the protein to transfer Oxygen from small sacks (alveoli) in the lungs to all the cells of the body. To do this Hb contains Iron atom (just a few proteins are like this).

我们还应该知道,血红蛋白是将氧气从肺中的小袋(肺泡)转移到人体所有细胞的蛋白质。 为此,血红蛋白含有铁原子(只有一些蛋白质是这样的)。

Any infection be it bacterial or viral is in essence very fast multiplication of infectious agent. Bacterial do this by cell division, i.e. every cycle they multiply by 2. Viruses are bits of information coated in proteins, they enter the cells and “inject” their programme into cellular machinery of our own cells, meaning our own cells produce more and more copies of virus, at certain point ur cell dies and all the copies exit into the body to infect more cells. This can happen much faster than bacterial infection, as virus is much much smaller.

本质上,细菌或病毒引起的任何感染都是感染因子的快速繁殖。 细菌通过细胞分裂来做到这一点,即每个周期乘以2。病毒是蛋白质中包裹的信息片段,它们进入细胞并将其程序“注入”到我们自己细胞的细胞机制中,这意味着我们自己的细胞会越来越多地产生病毒复制品在某些时候死亡,并且所有复制品都进入人体,以感染更多细胞。 由于病毒要小得多,因此发生速度比细菌感染快得多。

Now the speed of production depends on availability of resources to build more viruses. Over millions of years Viruses evolved to steal SUGAR from our own cells, our own cells speed up sugar consumption from the blood. If there is more SUGAR in the blood the production is faster.

现在,生产速度取决于构建更多病毒的资源可用性。 几百万年来,病毒进化为从我们自己的细胞中窃取糖,我们自己的细胞加速了血液中糖的消耗。 如果血液中的糖含量更高,则生产速度会更快。

To fight the virus our own cells also speed up and use sugar to prepare immune response. Part of that immune response is producing cytokines, it is very well known that if the immune response is to fast it can damage the tissues, while trying to save the body. This is called Cytokine Storm. It can cause bleeding in the tissues where infection is. Doctors even stop the cytokines by drugs (inhibit) to save our body from our own immune response.

为了对抗病毒,我们自己的细胞也会加快速度并使用糖来准备免疫React。 免疫React的一部分是产生细胞因子,众所周知,如果免疫React速度较快,则会损害组织,同时试图拯救人体。 这称为细胞因子风暴。 它可能导致感染所在组织的出血。 医生甚至可以通过抑制药物来抑制细胞因子,从而使我们的身体免于自身的免疫React。

Recently scientists [1] were studying common Flu and shown that patients INFECTED had higher blood SUGAR than normal.


So far it is already interesting. I was observing few friends on my social networks who had very light symptoms and after that had enough antibodies even to donate their blood to help those who are very sick. I know some of that are on sugar restrictive diet. Makes sense.

到目前为止,它已经很有趣了。 我观察到我的社交网络上很少有症状很轻的朋友,此后他们甚至有足够的抗体甚至可以献血来帮助那些病重的人。 我知道其中一些是限制糖的饮食。 说得通。

Another group of doctors in US is also observing this connection [2]. New research has found that people with diabetes and poorly managed hyperglycaemia who are hospitalised for COVID-19 have a death rate and longer length of hospital stay that’s four times higher than people without these conditions. Forty-two percent of those without a prior diagnosis of diabetes before being admitted, and who developed hyperglycemia during their time in the hospital, died. Experts say it’s important to limit the amount of time people with diabetes visit hospitals right now to protect themselves and healthcare workers, and to reduce strain on the healthcare system.

美国的另一组医生也在观察这种联系[2]。 新的研究发现,因COVID-19而住院的糖尿病和高血糖管理不善的人的死亡率和住院时间更长,是没有这种情况的人的四倍。 在入院前未诊断出糖尿病且在住院期间出现高血糖的患者中,有42%死亡。 专家说,重要的是限制糖尿病患者现在就诊的时间,以保护自己和医护人员,并减轻医疗系统的压力。

Adam M. Brufsky, professor of medicine in Pittsburgh, is telling even more interesting things on COVID and sugar [3]. He is mentioning that COVID virus uses specific proteins on the surface of our lungs. Protein called ACE. This protein is very common in cells of lungs and pancreas. He is describing that if this protein is coated with sugar — it makes it easier for virus to stick to that. And as virus infects PANCREAS as well (because of ACE protein on the surface), blood has even more sugar. Why so? Infected pancreas produces less insulin, and sugar from blood stream deas not enter the cells, so it is coating even more ACE proteins in lungs and pancreas. This is like a chain reaction.

匹兹堡医学教授亚当·布鲁夫斯基(Adam M. Brufsky)在讲关于COVID和糖的更有趣的事情[3]。 他提到COVID病毒在我们的肺部表面使用特定的蛋白质。 蛋白质称为ACE。 这种蛋白质在肺和胰腺细胞中非常常见。 他正在描述,如果这种蛋白质被糖衣包裹着,它会使病毒更容易粘附在糖上。 随着病毒也感染胰腺(由于表面的ACE蛋白),血液中的糖分甚至更高。 为什么这样? 受感染的胰腺产生的胰岛素较少,血液中的糖也无法进入细胞,因此它在肺和胰腺中覆盖了甚至更多的ACE蛋白。 这就像一个连锁React。

Prof. Brufsky hypothesis is built upon observation of SARS (epidemic in 2003 caused by virus similar to COVID-19) patients, where the above mechanism is well know. And now for COVID patients doctors also observe hyperglycaemia, this is supporting the mechanism described for SARS Drug called “hydroxychlorquine” is now used more and more, as it stops sugar from coating proteins, meaning stopping chain reaction.

布鲁夫斯基教授的假设是建立在对SARS(2003年由类似于COVID-19的病毒引起的流行病)的观察基础上的,上面的机制众所周知。 现在,对于COVID患者,医生也观察到了高血糖症,这支持了针对SARS所述的机制。被称为“羟氯喹”的药物现在越来越多地使用,因为它可以阻止糖衣蛋白中的糖分,从而阻止链React。

Why is sugar coating so important for virus. I imagine this as JAM, the more sugar on surface of both viral proteins and ACE, the easier it is to stick to one another. Like a sugary JAM when it sticks to the table.

为什么糖衣对病毒如此重要? 我认为这就是JAM,病毒蛋白和ACE上的糖分越多,彼此之间越容易粘附。 当它粘在桌子上时,就像含糖的果酱一样。

Haemoglobin, lung damage and sugar


I was talking to my friend, Vardan, brilliant heart surgeon, yesterday — this whole conversation made me think about sugar and accumulate this information. Vardan is fighting COVID since the beginning. First as ER doctor, but for the last 20 days, as a patient. He says, when he saw the CT scan he decided to record a video for family. His precise words were “it is not Pneumonia, they say here it is broken Haemoglobin, but you should know it better.”

昨天,我正在和我的朋友Vardan(一位出色的心脏外科医师)交谈-整个谈话使我思考了糖分并积累了这些信息。 从一开始,Vardan就与COVID战斗。 首先是急诊医生,但在最近的20天里一直是患者。 他说,当他看到CT扫描时,便决定为家人录制视频。 他的确切话是“不是肺炎,他们说这是破碎的血红蛋白,但您应该更了解它。”

Indeed last grant I was preparing in European Research Institute of Ageing was on protein oxidation and glycation and ageing. We believe that ageing is influenced by high blood sugar, on molecular level inside and outside the cells our perfectly crafted machines of life are influenced by sugar coats. Just as Haemoglobin and ACE from above every protein covers slowly by sugars. Imagine cogwheels inside the clock covered by grease, at certain point clock will stop.

实际上,我在欧洲衰老研究所准备的最后一笔拨款是关于蛋白质氧化,糖基化和衰老的。 我们相信衰老受高血糖的影响,在细胞内外的分子水平上,我们精心打造的生活机器也受糖衣的影响。 就像血红蛋白和ACE从每种蛋白质的上方缓慢被糖覆盖一样。 想象一下时钟内部的齿轮被油脂覆盖,时钟将在特定时刻停止。

Coming back to Haemoglobin, main problem with COVID is decrease in functional space in the lungs. You can imagine lungs as an upside down tree, where trachea is trunk and lungs are branches, that become smaller and smaller. The finest branches contain small air sucks — alveoli, they are as small as 0,2 mm, with very thin walls of 0,02 mm serving as divider between them. There are 600 million alveoli. It is in the walls of alveoli, where we have smallest blood capillary, part of the breathing is happening. Haemoglobin is taking the oxygen from air and runs to deliver it across the body. It is the alveoli cells that are infected by virus during COVID.

回到血红蛋白方面,COVID的主要问题是肺功能空间的减少。 您可以想象肺是一棵倒置的树,其中的气管是树干,肺是分支,分支越来越小。 最好的分支包含小的空气吸入-肺泡,它们小至0.2毫米,而0.02毫米的非常薄的壁用作它们之间的分隔物。 有6亿个肺泡。 它是在肺泡壁上,我们的毛细管最小,部分呼吸正在发生。 血红蛋白从空气中吸收氧气,然后将其输送到整个身体。 是在COVID期间被病毒感染的肺泡细胞。

Now the high blood sugar causes cytokine storm and immune system attacks the thin walls of alveoli and the blood pours out. When Blood is touching the air, it starts to clot — as proteins (Fibrinogen mainly) are sticking to each other. This is a normal process and this protects us from bleeding when we cut ourselves, the clotted piece of blood is called thrombus. Rings a bell. Diabetics have higher risk of thrombosis, this is when blood clots and thrombi appear in the blood vessels. We actually know a lot about clotting inside large vessels, or when vessel is damaged. It is also very likely that in alveoli haemoglobin is also present as clotting factor when it comes out of broken blood cells. Some research on that was summarised recently [4]. It looks like that exactly the case with complications in COVID.

现在,高血糖会引起细胞因子风暴,免疫系统会攻击肺泡的薄壁,血液倒出。 当血液接触空气时,它开始凝结-因为蛋白质(主要是纤维蛋白原)彼此粘附。 这是正常过程,当我们割伤自己时可以保护我们免受出血,凝结的血液被称为血栓。 摇铃。 糖尿病具有较高的血栓形成风险,这是在血管中出现血块和血栓的时候。 实际上,我们对大型容器内的凝结或容器损坏时了解很多。 当肺泡中的血红蛋白从破裂的血细胞中出来时,它也很可能作为凝血因子存在。 最近对此进行了一些研究[4]。 看起来COVID并发症确实如此。

The more virus in the lungs, the more chances to get internal bleedings and thrombi. Blood is clotting and less and less space is left of exchange oxygen and patient ultimately will die of low oxygen in the blood. If the proteins are coated with sugar, they stick even better. JAM analogy from above, and a lot of evidence in diabetic patient thrombosis [6] increase. All because of sugar.

肺部病毒越多,发生内部出血和血栓的机会就越多。 血液正在凝结,交换氧气的空间越来越少,患者最终将因血液中的低氧气而死亡。 如果蛋白质被糖包衣,它们的粘附效果会更好。 从上面的JAM类比来看,糖尿病患者血栓形成的大量证据[6]增加。 都是因为糖。

Another recent hypothesis [7] is that Virus of COVID is also attacking the Haemoglobin itself — eating part of it called porphyrin. Porphyrin is a ring inside Haemoglobin which holds Iron, which binds Oxygen. Can you imagine? Virus is breaking our oxygen transport proteins themselves. And our blood with broken Hemoglobins transports less and less oxygen, while blood clots decrease the available space for oxygen exchange in the lungs. I bet, that when haemoglobin is coated with sugar, it is much easier for virus to stick to that and destroy the protein. Viral proteins themselves are covered with sugars, so the JAM analogy is here again.

最近的另一个假设[7]是COVID病毒也在攻击血红蛋白本身-吞噬了一部分称为卟啉。 卟啉是血红蛋白内部的一个环,其中含有铁,与氧结合。 你可以想象? 病毒本身正在破坏我们的氧气转运蛋白。 血红蛋白断裂的血液输送的氧气越来越少,而血块减少了肺中氧气交换的可用空间。 我敢打赌,当血红蛋白被糖包裹时,病毒更容易粘附在糖上并破坏蛋白质。 病毒蛋白本身被糖所覆盖,因此JAM的类比再次出现。

Everything comes in order now


If you have low blood sugar: virus has less substrate to replicate, it is harder to induce cytokine storm and bleedings, pancreas damage will not cause even more blood sugar, even if bleeding starts clots are less stickier. And in addition there is a chance that virus has hard time destroying oxygen carrying Haemoglobin. Great chance that you breathe and have enough time for immunity to fight the alien inside of you.

如果您的血糖很低:病毒复制的底物较少,则很难诱发细胞因子风暴和出血,即使出血开始时血凝块的粘性降低,胰腺损伤也不会引起更多的血糖。 另外,病毒很难消灭携带血红蛋白的氧气。 您呼吸的机会很大,并且有足够的时间抵抗与您体内的外星人作斗争。

If you have high blood sugar: virus has a lot of building blocks to replicate, cytokine storm is easily induced and bleedings start, pancreas damage is even more and insulin is not produced, even more blood sugar and more sticky proteins. When bleeding starts clots are bigger and stickier. And in addition there is a great chance that virus easily destroys oxygen carrying Haemoglobin. Patients like this are know to have a chain reaction speed of few hours when they go from normal to critical and need air supply.

如果您的血糖很高:病毒具有很多可复制的构成要素,则容易诱发细胞因子风暴并开始出血,胰腺损伤甚至更多,并且不产生胰岛素,甚至更多的血糖和更多的粘性蛋白质。 出血开始时,血块会更大,更粘。 此外,病毒极有可能破坏携带血红蛋白的氧气。 像这样的患者从正常到严重需要空气供应时,其连锁React速度会达到几个小时。

Questions that you have to think about


What kind of food they give people in the hospital? Does rise blood sugar? After working inside/with Hospitals in Russia, UK and Netherlands — I know it does. And I know bone broth would be best substitute.

他们给医院的人们提供什么样的食物? 血糖升高吗? 在俄罗斯,英国和荷兰的医院内部/合作之后,我知道。 我知道骨汤将是最好的替代品。



Survivors are known to have fibrosis. This is the same clots in the lung becoming connective tissue, making those people disabled for the rest of their lives. Now clots can actually dissolve with time, by process called lysis, and again diabetic patients are known to have [8] bad clots, which are harder to dissolve because of … JAM

已知幸存者患有纤维化。 这与肺中的结块变成结缔组织一样,使这些人一生都失去了能力。 现在,血块实际上可以随着时间的流逝而通过溶胞作用溶解,而糖尿病患者又有[8]个坏血块,由于…JAM很难溶解。



Funny enough we are doing tons of seminars for the kids using the book [9] content.


One of the questions during seminar is «Imagine two kids, one eating sweets, another eating vegetables, both got their feet wet. Who will be the first one to get sore throat?». This is the same principle. We just remove the substrate for disease to spread and take control of our own health.

研讨会中的一个问题是“想象一下,两个孩子,一个在吃甜食,另一个在吃蔬菜,都弄湿了。 谁将是第一个喉咙痛的人?»。 这是相同的原理。 我们只是去除疾病传播的基质并控制我们自己的健康。

参考文献 (References)

2 -https://www.healthline.com/health-news/covid-19-impact-on-diabetes-hospitalizations

2 -https://www.healthline.com/health-news/covid-19-impact-on-diabetes-hospitalizations

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血糖 miaomiao


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